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Profile of hot pasting and cold pasting of laminating machine mesh belt

Source:Dongguan Jinwo Industrial Co., Ltd.Time:2013-05-23Read:3456

    Besides some protective materials that we see in usual life, pasting machine mesh belt can also be used for many fields. In production process, it can be used for protecting technical guidance and equipment repair and maintenance indications and so on; when the sales clerks makes promotion, it can obtain special appearance effect with its protection for the publicity materials.

Pasting machine mesh belt
    Pasting can also improve the appearance. With selecting pasting materials of different matrix materials, it can obtain different appearance effects. For example, deepening and brightening the color, strengthening he contract, obtaining special appearance effect, such as laser flash light and so on.

    Pasting machine mesh belt can provide permanent protection for nearly all of printing materials. Through strengthening color and contrast, it can improve the material quality, and provide entirely new and surprising appearance.


Selection of pasting machine mesh belt
  Generally, there are two basic types of pasting machine mesh belts: hot pasting and cold pasting. Which type is the proper selection? There are many factors that shall be taken into account for selecting the pasting machine mesh belt.

(1) Hot pasting and cold pasting
    Hot pasting is the pasting way under most extensive utilization. Based on different pasting materials, it usually need to heat up to a fairly higher temperature. Hot pasting can provide fairly pasting performance, products are more wearing resistant and are not easy craze after pasting. Hot pasting is applicable to materials that are not affected by heating.  Pasting machine mesh belt.

    Cold pasting is one method that pasting films are adhered together with exercising external pressure mainly and through pressure sensitive glue. Cold pasting is mainly applicable to pasting of thermal sensitive materials. For example, ink of some ink jet printers will be fused in heating, some printers use thermal sensitive paper for printing. In these cases, usage of cold pasting machine mesh belt is the optimal selection.

(2) Cold pasting is better in the following conditions:
    Pasting for lateral side. If you only desire to add binding agent at the reverse side of document, you can use cold pasting.

    Magnetic pasting. Film is used at one side of the material, and magnetic material is pasted at the other side.

    For pasting at both sides of the text, it also needs add back glue at the reverse side. If necessary, it can tear the paster at the reverse side to paste the document at different surfaces, such as surfaces of glass or timber. Pasting machine mesh belt


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